
Canapes and Composable by the Seaside

Join us during Shoptalk Europe for an exclusive event with senior leaders from other brands who want to exchange ideas about the future of technology, composable commerce, and ecommerce challenges.

The evening will be dedicated to networking and discussion with leaders from the field. Conversation topics will include

  • Benefits of switching to a composable commerce technology stack
  • Why the time to act is now
  • How to get ahead of the curve with intelligent technology

About the sponsors

Commerce Layer is an API-first commerce engine that makes it easy to go headless. Brands can start fast with production-ready micro frontends and then scale globally with a full suite of APIs, webhooks, and dev tools. They enable companies to sell through any digital channel and expand into multiple markets with ease.

Bluestone PIM is a composable PIM provider for global retailers, manufacturers, and distributors who want to make their enterprises innovative and agile. By choosing Bluestone PIM, our customers can trust us to consistently improve our technology and features to stay ahead of the curve.

Cloudinary builds the most powerful image and video APIs and is trusted by 1.5 million developers and over 10,000 enterprise and hyper-growth companies as a  critical part of their tech stack.

Contentstack is the leading composable digital experience platform (DXP) provider. It empowers marketers and developers to deliver digital experiences at the speed of their imagination.


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